Last Saturday, july 26, was our small group meeting. Two days before, as i was asking God for a topic to share and discuss with the group, He pointed me to Romans 8:31 (If God is for us, who can be against us?) and followed with a question, "What bothers you more, to be accepted by others, or to accept other people?"
Honestly, it left me wondering as to whom this message will be. After giving it much thought and deliberating with myself what impact would it bring to anyone on the meeting itself, i gave up and ended up asking God, "what is this, Lord? I can't understand and can't find a bible verse that "should" go along with the topic". Resigning with that thought, i prayed, "Lord, have Your way in me and through each and everyone of the member who will be attending the meeting. Whatever it is You may want to deliver and to whoever You may want to bring your message, so be it. I don't want to speculate or guess your agenda, but I am all willing to obey and anticipate Your hand upon us."
So, Saturday came, and the group which numbers to eight is down to only four this time and we proceeded as planned. Came the question and each one took turns giving their own answers and thought of the matter. God, with all His surprises came pounding my heart and stirred up my whole being, leading me to uncover my deepest longings to be accepted by people i consider precious to me and my struggles to accept people, Christians as well, as they are. I know in my heart that if there's someone who knows me too well, it is only Him. I can't believe the reactions i get from the group for they were saying they don't see the person i am referring to as me for they claim that it's entirely different from what i say. They started encouraging me by saying that i may be overdoing it or too preoccupied with the thought that i am not an accommodating, friendly person that it constricts me enough not to move where and how God is leading me. So clearly now that the message fell on me. It is I, whom God wanted to direct His arrows to. Several more issues were uncovered by God in the course of the discussion and encouragements. Things that i cannot share here for there is such a thing as confidentiality within the group. I'm most blessed to have this young people (too young, actually, that i consider them my own children). The age differences really don't matter. These children of God is on their way to maturity and are still moving up to higher grounds when it comes to faith. I never, even for a second, think of "teaching" or "instructing" them for i am learning a lot from them through their sharing and insights. As always, i am a mere vessel or channel of blessing from the Lord who is faithful to us all. GLORY TO THE GOD WHO DESERVES ALL OUR PRAISES! THE LORD JESUS CHRIST WHO MADE THE ULTIMATE SACRIFICES FOR OUR SINS REIGNS IN OUR LIVES NOW AND FOREVERMORE!!
July 12,2008 cell time:
Reference for discussions: "IF NOT FOR THE GRACE OF GOD"-by Joyce Meyer
From a Christians' point of view, define "favor"
Classifying "favor" - to do something for someone is a favor; to receive something from someone is a favor given. These are natural favors-that which can be earned.
SUPERNATURAL FAVOR on the other hand, is a gift that can't be earned. It is part of grace, of the same origin from the greek word "charis" So, the Grace of God is the Favor of God, and the Favor of God is the Grace of God through our Faith. Faith is the channel by which we receive God's grace, favor and blessings.
people are sometimes drawn to us because God is giving us favor by letting His light of grace shine upon us. If we struggle and strive to get acceptance on our own, we want to give credit to ourselves, our abilities and effort, therefore losing sight of God. So, is it wrong to earn natural favor? No, because by doing all things that PRODUCE natural favor-being kind, edifying one another,etc. etc. we are actually sowing seeds for future harvest of supernatural favor. Natural favor must be a by-product of our faith, not earned by conscious efforts.
2Corinthians 9:12-15
Being favored means being featured; it means being favorite of God.
July 19,2008
Another mysterious way of God unfolded today....God made sure the message today hit the person He wanted to acknowledge the grief he/she was experiencing at the time. How the discussion came to that point,I don't know... i just followed the prompting of the Holy Spirit.
Differentiate the following words: happiness, joy, sadness and sorrow.
Galatians 5:22
Nehemiah 8:10
John 16:24
Joy is finding the greatest pleasure in God-the things closest to His heart. God will continue to reveal His character to us according to our needs and according to His purposes in us. If we are grieving-Comforter; when in need-Provider;confused-wisdom giver, etc.,etc...
-the greatest sorrow:
sorrow in paradox:
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Thursday, July 31, 2008
Sunday, June 1, 2008
small group discussions
Our small group was formed after the 40-day Purpose Driven Life Campaign. Some original members are now gone and new ones joined from a group that was dissolved. They have their own reasons for doing so and i respect that whatever those are. Three other members are now in the U.S.A either to work, study or to settle but can manage to keep in touch. Normally, small groups are given handouts or materials by the church. We tried using them for they are really useful and helpful in any Christian growth but as the facilitator (or leader, as they call us), i can sense the members' lack of enthusiasm maybe because they can't relate to some points or merely uninteresting for them. However, the desire to meet up as a group is still there and it made me realize that we just need to come up with a topic that we could all relate with. And what topic would be more relevant than our present situations? It's kind of tough for i really don't know what kind of situation or present state each member is in at the moment. SO, everytime, a meeting is set, I would ask God to help me be sensitive to the members' needs and just allow Him to lead me to the message or question that would trigger us all and stir our hearts to really share and participate in the discussions. Amazingly, (as He always is) as late as the day before the meeting would He only reveal to me what He has for us. Of course, He is actually never late. As a human i just think things are getting late because i still have to prepare and learn ahead of the group for i don't want to mislead them. But all those thinking become futile when God told me that's it is all about Him, and that i must not worry as to how it will go about. I'm a mere facilitator and He is the Leader. A lot of times, it seems like we'll end up meeting with nothing to discuss or talk about because i'm still waiting on God's leading. Waiting for Him to lead me to where He wants us be. When He begins to show His awesome revelation(s), even though it makes me wonder or ask why should this be, i am hopeful, expectant and excited as to how the members would respond because i, myself is really all stirred up for the discussion. I am the one who gets most surprised everytime i see each member really pouring out his/her heart to share ; how the question posed to be answered really matter to them at the exact time; and how especially so the bible verses corresponding to the topic or question suffice and accurately, satisfyingly leave us all WONDERFULLY AMAZED!...:)
The following are subjects discussed during small group meetings. Sorry, i wasn't able to compile all. The members prod me to file these in my blog for whatever purpose they may seem fit. Short gists on how the discussion went follow:
May 1,2008
-It is interesting to know that one of the members was waiting for a promise of salary raise and/or hoping her works would be appreciated because she devotes her time and so much of herself to the job. Each one shared own dilemma and went home hopeful if not relieved of heaviness in the heart.
May 24
-the promise being the reward for remaining patient, honest and persevering just because one trusts the Promise Giver and Fulfiller. TO GOD BE THE GLORY!
Hebrews10:23,35&36, 11:39
May 31
Romans1:16&17, 10:14&15
We do not earn God's favor by our labor. It is a gift from God and received by us by grace through faith. When we believe like Abraham, we are considered righteous.
We are mere workers who must believe
Shine on for Christ
Warning: The Parable of The Sower
The following are subjects discussed during small group meetings. Sorry, i wasn't able to compile all. The members prod me to file these in my blog for whatever purpose they may seem fit. Short gists on how the discussion went follow:
May 1,2008
-It is interesting to know that one of the members was waiting for a promise of salary raise and/or hoping her works would be appreciated because she devotes her time and so much of herself to the job. Each one shared own dilemma and went home hopeful if not relieved of heaviness in the heart.
May 24
-the promise being the reward for remaining patient, honest and persevering just because one trusts the Promise Giver and Fulfiller. TO GOD BE THE GLORY!
Hebrews10:23,35&36, 11:39
May 31
Romans1:16&17, 10:14&15
We do not earn God's favor by our labor. It is a gift from God and received by us by grace through faith. When we believe like Abraham, we are considered righteous.
We are mere workers who must believe
Shine on for Christ
Warning: The Parable of The Sower
Friday, April 11, 2008
sweet moments in silver
april 02,2008
Around 5:00 pm today, my three daughters gathered around me and my husband while we're watching tv. He just came from work and i was trying to beat the heat of summer in the comforts of our family room. They walked in smilingly, eyes turning from my husband and then to me, when suddenly, my eldest, jill, handed him out a small pink envelope that seemed like that of a greeting card's. As he tries to open it, all our eyes are now glued to him waiting until he gets to pull out its content. It was, indeed a card with a picture of springtime, birds hovering over trees that are starting to bloom anew of flowers. In the upper middle part was written: WELCOME Prying the card open, two hotel room card keys were inserted and a piece of paper slipped in together bearing my husband's name and the numbers 1152. We are being treated for a one night accommodation at the Edsa Shangri-la, paid in advance with a departure date of 03.04.08. Yes, tomorrow, we'll be celebrating our 25th Wedding Anniversary and our children want to make it sure we're together, side by side and alone with ourselves at the strike of twelve midnight.....what a thought...! what a sweet, wonderful thought...
So, how did we react to it?? SPEECHLESS! for a while, i couldn't believe they really come up with it. more than surprised, i feel really special at the time and i couldn't help but tell them exactly that. and tears start welling up my eyes. After a while, i managed to say thank you and asked them if they also got a room for them. They said no because they want us to be alone even for a night, away from them and it all. But my husband insisted that they get another room because we want to celebrate the night with them. After all, we'll sleep in different rooms later. So off we go to the hotel.
It was really nice. The whole experience was something i will never forget in my entire life.
I realized how our children have really grown...and how old we're getting now. It's very heartwarming to see these three young ladies of ours never getting tire of their parents. We are, indeed, so blessed to have them in our life for without them, our marriage won't go as far as this. Twenty five years. I never thought it would be this fast. But thinking over what we went through during these years make me agree that, yes, we are bound by love that no human minds can understand and no so-called "love expert" can explain the whys and hows of it. No matter how hard and grave marital problems seem to those who are watching, love has a language of its own in which the majesty and mystery of God is displayed at its best. How we came to this point is not easy. it never will but it will only get more exciting as we trust the Author and Designer of love and the relationship called marriage. To my three, beautiful, lovely , wonderful daughters: I always thank God for giving you to us. You are such awesome children who never fail to show how much and what daddy and i mean to all of you. You never run out of ideas to make life exciting, fun and easy to live. Without you, our marriage wouldn't be like it is today. It is through your unconditional love that we can go through and muster all fears and doubts parents face everyday. DADDY AND I LOVE YOU, ALL OF YOU SO MUCH, MORE THAN WHAT YOUR MINDS CAN COMPREHEND AND MORE THAN WHAT YOUR HEARTS CAN CONTAIN. PRAISE BE TO GOD FOR YOU. TO GOD BE ALL THE GLORY!!
Around 5:00 pm today, my three daughters gathered around me and my husband while we're watching tv. He just came from work and i was trying to beat the heat of summer in the comforts of our family room. They walked in smilingly, eyes turning from my husband and then to me, when suddenly, my eldest, jill, handed him out a small pink envelope that seemed like that of a greeting card's. As he tries to open it, all our eyes are now glued to him waiting until he gets to pull out its content. It was, indeed a card with a picture of springtime, birds hovering over trees that are starting to bloom anew of flowers. In the upper middle part was written: WELCOME Prying the card open, two hotel room card keys were inserted and a piece of paper slipped in together bearing my husband's name and the numbers 1152. We are being treated for a one night accommodation at the Edsa Shangri-la, paid in advance with a departure date of 03.04.08. Yes, tomorrow, we'll be celebrating our 25th Wedding Anniversary and our children want to make it sure we're together, side by side and alone with ourselves at the strike of twelve midnight.....what a thought...! what a sweet, wonderful thought...
So, how did we react to it?? SPEECHLESS! for a while, i couldn't believe they really come up with it. more than surprised, i feel really special at the time and i couldn't help but tell them exactly that. and tears start welling up my eyes. After a while, i managed to say thank you and asked them if they also got a room for them. They said no because they want us to be alone even for a night, away from them and it all. But my husband insisted that they get another room because we want to celebrate the night with them. After all, we'll sleep in different rooms later. So off we go to the hotel.
It was really nice. The whole experience was something i will never forget in my entire life.
I realized how our children have really grown...and how old we're getting now. It's very heartwarming to see these three young ladies of ours never getting tire of their parents. We are, indeed, so blessed to have them in our life for without them, our marriage won't go as far as this. Twenty five years. I never thought it would be this fast. But thinking over what we went through during these years make me agree that, yes, we are bound by love that no human minds can understand and no so-called "love expert" can explain the whys and hows of it. No matter how hard and grave marital problems seem to those who are watching, love has a language of its own in which the majesty and mystery of God is displayed at its best. How we came to this point is not easy. it never will but it will only get more exciting as we trust the Author and Designer of love and the relationship called marriage. To my three, beautiful, lovely , wonderful daughters: I always thank God for giving you to us. You are such awesome children who never fail to show how much and what daddy and i mean to all of you. You never run out of ideas to make life exciting, fun and easy to live. Without you, our marriage wouldn't be like it is today. It is through your unconditional love that we can go through and muster all fears and doubts parents face everyday. DADDY AND I LOVE YOU, ALL OF YOU SO MUCH, MORE THAN WHAT YOUR MINDS CAN COMPREHEND AND MORE THAN WHAT YOUR HEARTS CAN CONTAIN. PRAISE BE TO GOD FOR YOU. TO GOD BE ALL THE GLORY!!
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